SOWRAG envisions a just and equitable society where women live in dignity and are free from all forms of violence and discrimination
To create change in the socialization and culture of power relations between women and men through advocacy, research, capacity building, information dissemination and action for equal participation at all levels.
- Mutual respect and recognition for diversity.
- Equity and justice irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, clan and region.
- Ensuring accountability and transparency in all SOWRAG affairs,
- Solidarity with the poor, powerless and socially excluded people
- Independence from any political party affiliation.
- Increasing information on relevant issues by conducting research and networking with like minded agencies
- Humanity in our presentation and behavior, recognizing that we are part of a wide society in favor of community development
Creating awareness of women’s rights; Promote respect for Women’s human rights so that they are fully accepted and practiced by all.
Poverty eradication – In order for women to realize their full potential, they must have equal access to economic activities. SOWRAG works to change the tradition of gender division of labour and create a climate that allows women to engage in economic activities of their choices.
Strengthen SOWRAG by establishing and maintaining a resource centre and developing projects aimed at empowering women socially, economically and politically, particularly female youth skills training for self reliance.
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